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Useful information for farmers 

This section is dedicated to information on fresh knowledge, subsidies, grant schemes, regulations and more.


Since this side is dedicated to our farmers, we only provide occasional English translations here. 

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Delicious food from potato

Although the Csíki Basin has been considered the home of potatoes for decades, by the 2000s our demand for good table potatoes had deteriorated considerably. We were mostly with it as with the wine, that it was red and white, but the belief that the yellow inside was mostly for food, while the white meat road could be used for meals, hit me in the head. There was no demand for good table potatoes. More and more caterers have put their voices on frozen french fries so nothing has prompted local producers to offer varieties that behave differently in terms of kitchen technology for sale, noting their culinary specificities. In addition to the color, texture and taste of the potatoes, the most important thing is how it behaves when exposed to heat. In this respect, there are two main groups of potatoes: flour and jelly. In terms of kitchen procedures, it is not incidental how much cooking liquid is retained or absorbed by the different varieties. In the West, it has become a practice for us to classify different varieties into A, B and C categories for more than ten years, half a year. According to this, A is used to denote varieties that are especially hard-boiled for salads. Group B includes the “good for almost everything” varieties. It doesn't break apart, but it has a grainy, crumbly texture. In addition to certain processes, it is also suitable for making mashed potatoes. Category C includes varieties that tolerate high temperature baking. It is recommended for french fries and baked potatoes, but some people also use it exclusively for mashed potatoes. 

In light of this, the initiative of the Agri-Cultura-Natura Transylvaniae Association, which took place this year with the involvement of four organic farmers, is unique. Márton Szakács from Csíklázárfalva, Imre Fazakas from Madaras, Tibor Farkas from GyimesfelsÅ‘lok and László Mogyorós from Gyergyócsomafalva undertook to grow table potato varieties experimentally under completely chemical-free growing conditions. The association carried out the project on its own, so that the seed potatoes were procured by the farmers at their own expense, with the consent of the association, and the association contacted the research institutes, selected the variety, coordinated the experiment at the four sites and evaluated the results. Gergely Rodics, president of the association. Of the 12 potato varieties, eight came from Hungary, thanks to their cooperation with breeders and experimental institutes. At the event, László Mogyorós, the expert consultant of the association, presented the details of the experiment and the yield results of each variety. The staff of the association is happy to provide information to those who are interested. The experiment will also be the subject of a publicly available short film to inform interested farmers of the results.

As the final chord of the project, a tasting evaluation was held at the end of October, where the Székely Cuisine and Garden team was asked to cook one of four potato varieties. The evaluation of the project was completed by the Agri-Cultura-Natura Transylvaniae Association by tasting the experimentally grown pityos. About 30 people took part in the fully public event, who evaluated the various dandelions during a blind test. The potatoes cooked in their shells and salt water were served for tasting, and the participants evaluated various flavors, textures and aromas, among other things. Regarding the special culinary qualities of the A, B and C varieties, it is interesting to note that the Sarpo Mira variety, which is the last place in the results of the boiled potato tasting, was made into a first-class straw potato. temperature heat treatment.

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An international project to develop curricula for agroecology training




Agri-Cultura-Natura Association is a partner in the international project "trAEce" which aims at the development of a training curriculum on agroecology. The project is financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. Our partners are Diverzitás Foundation (lead partner from Hungary), the National Agricultural and Innovation Centre (Hungary), the University of South Bohemia ÄŒeské BudÄ›jovice (Czech republic), Grand Farm, a research and innovation Farm (Austria), GAIA - Grupo de Acção e Intervenção Ambiental an NGO from Portugal. The address ow the project website is


We had the first international meeting at the Szent István University GödöllÅ‘ (Hungary) between the 8-10th of January 2020. Our association was represented by three colleagues: Rodics Gergely, Farkas Tibor és Mogyorós László. We discussed all administrative and many contentual issues and on the last day we visited the organic farm of Matthew Hayes in the closeby village Zsámbok. The main outcome of this project is going to be a practical adult training handbook on agroecology to teach our farmers on the latest techniques of nature-friendly farming in an era when environmental concerns are rising high and our region's traditional farming methods will inevitably be replaced by modern approaches.



Anchor 3

New farm architecture

The below links open the slide shows of our conference held on new farm buildings in 2019. The topic is just very hot in our region due to new regulations and the tendency that big farm buildings started to appear in our high nature value landscapes. Since our farmers don't have neither knowledge nor money to pay designers and use modern technology these buildings often use cheap (often second hand) materials and their look just doesn't fit our beautiful landscapes. The goal of the conference was to turn the attention to these problems and to start formulating solutions for farmers as well as decision-makers. The below .ppt documents are all in Hungarian.


Bányász József - Korszerű mezÅ‘gazdasági életterek építése a szerves hagyomány, az állatjólét, a környezetvédelem, a gazdaságosság, a modernitás… feszültségében


Mogyorós László - Van-e jövÅ‘je a kis családi gazdaságoknak Székelyföldön?

Egyesületünk szaktanácsadója 3 különbözÅ‘ méretű szarvasmarha tartó gazdaság működését és gazdaságosságát hasonlítja össze, azzal a konklúzióval, hogy akár egy 5 tehenes gazdaság is képes lehet eltartani egy családot.


Farkas Tibor - Munkafolyamatok a gazdaságban

Egyesületünk szaktanácsadója elÅ‘adásában összehasonlítja a székelyföldi hagyományos kisgazdaságok és egy modern bajor tejtermelÅ‘ gazdaság munkaigényét, majd alaprajzi javaslatokat mutat be arra, hogyan lehet kis befektetéssel átalakítani meglévÅ‘ csűrjeinket 6-12 (tejelÅ‘ vagy hízó) szarvasmarha számára.


KöllÅ‘ Miklós - Nagy léptékű épületek problematikája a székely kultúrtájban

A Larix stúdió építésze azt mutatja be, hogyan lehet a nagy méretű istállóépületeket olyan módon megépíteni, hogy azok házilag karbantarthatók legyenek, és ne váljanak éktelenkedÅ‘ sebekké Székelyföld átalakuló faluképében és tájaiban.


Bálint György Szabolcs - Innovatív hagyomány

A Székely Gazdaszervezetek Egyesületének falugazdásza bemutat néhány olyan kis léptékű, konténerekben kialakított élelmiszer-feldolgozót, amely akár egy családi gazdaságban is létesíthetÅ‘. A belsÅ‘ kialakítás mellett figyelmet fordít arra, hogyan lehet a faluképtÅ‘l idegen konténereket egyszerű megoldásokkal "falukép-baráttá" tenni.


Dr. Püsök László - Állategészségügyi szabályzók a farmlétesítésre, istállóépítésekre vonatkozóan

A Hargita Megyei Állategészségügyi és Élelmiszerbiztonsági Igazgatóság (DSVSA) nyugalmazott igazgatóhelyettese részletesen bemutatja, milyen elÅ‘írásoknak kell megfelelnie egy szarvasmarhatartó istállónak. Felhívta a figyelmet arra, hogy ha az építtetÅ‘ elÅ‘re egyeztet a tervekrÅ‘l hatósággal, akkor a kész beruházás biztosan megkapja a szükséges engedélyeket.


Gergely Attila - MezÅ‘gazdasági épületek tervezési és engedélyezési folyamata 

A Vallum építésziroda építésze bemutatja, milyen hatósági és tervezési folyamaton kell végigmennie annak, aki egy új istálló létesítését tervezi.



Anchor 2

Information forum on the "Mountain farming" grant scheme of the Romanian government

Agri-Cultura-Natura Association organized the information forum on the future grant scheme of "Mountan farming" on the 20th of September 2019. Partners were the Harghita county Agricultural Directorate and the Agency on Mountain farming run by the Ministry Agricuture. We invited two colleagues from the Agency who provided up to date information of the grant scheme to be launced in 2020. There will be funding for construction projects in the following fields: High mountain stables for sheep with small milk processing units, Milk collection points in villages, Milk processing units in villages, Processing units for mountain fruits and mushrooms, Processing units for wool. 


According to Ioan Cocârdean, head of unit at the Agency, the beneficiaries are going to be SME-s and cooperatives. The intensity of funding starts at 40% and can reach even 90% if

- the applicant is an agricultural cooperative

- the applicant is (or the leader of the cooperative is) a young farmer

- the applicant is based in a village categorized as "less favored"


If you click here you can download the slides of the presentation about the details of the grant scheme.


Online media reported about the event, the following article are available in Hungarian: article at MASZOL.



Agroecology country reports




In the framework of our international cooperation "trAEce" the partner organisations conducted research to write an overview on the situation of agroecology in the respective countries.


In the below study you can read the individual situation analyses of Hungary, Austria, Portugal, Czech Republic and Romania.


For the Romanian case scroll to page 46.

Agroökológia tanulmány.png
Agroökológia tanulmány
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