+40 735 169 959
júl. 11., H
Human & wildlife co-existence in & outside Natura 2000 areas – traditional & modern farming approaches in the mountains
This workshop is part of a series organised by "Landcare Europe”, the network aiming to foster knowledge exchange on key factors of cooperative nature conservation. Agri-Cultura-Natura Transylvaniae Association is a founding member of Landcare Europe and thus co-host of this event.
Idő és helyszín
2022. júl. 11. 9:00 – 2022. júl. 13. 14:00
Sighișoara/Schäßburg/Segesvár, Piața Cetății 7, Sighișoara 545400, Romania
Az eseményről
Day 1 (Mon, 11 July 2022) – Presentations & Roundtable discussions
Venue: Hotel Casa Wagner, Sighișoara (Schäßburg)
8:45 Welcome & registration
§ 9:00 Opening address
§ 9:10 Presentation of Landcare Europe; Sylvie Rockel, Coordinator Landcare Europe, Landcare Germany (DVL)
§ 9:30 Situation of large carnivores on farming areas in the Carpathian Mountains; Tánczos Barna, Minister of Environment, Romania
§ 10:00 Rural landscape development & conservation of ancient wood pastures in Romania; Dr. Tibor Hartel, Associate Professor, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Romania
§ 10:30 Human dimensions of wildlife conflicts in the South-Western Carpathians; Dr. Iain Trewby, Fauna & Flora International
11:00 Coffee break (30 min)
§ 11:30 Human and wildlife conflict in the Alpine region – a scientific perspective; Dr. Filippo Favilli, Researcher at Institute for Regional Development, Italian Delegation to the Alpine Convention, EURAC
§ 12:00 Activities of the EU Large Carnivore Platform & regional platform of Harghita County; László Demeter, National Agency for Protected Areas, Romania
12:30 Lunch break & networking (90 min)
§ 14:00 Wolf conflict prevention practices in Spain; Dr. José Vicente López-Bao, Senior Research Scientist, Biodiversity Research Institute, Oviedo University, Spain
§ 14:30 Advising farmers on agroecology & wildlife conflict prevention in the West Carpathians; Gergely Rodics, Agri-Cultura-Natura Transylvaniae Association (ACNT)
§ 15:00 Best practices of livestock protection from wildlife in Germany; Bernd Blümlein, DVL, Germany
15:30 Coffee break & networking (30 min)
§ 16:00 Roundtable discussion on grazing and livestock protection from wildlife
18:00 Official end of day 1 & optional visit to Platoul Breite (wood pasture) with Dr. Tibor Hartel
20:00 Dinner at local restaurant
Day 2 (Tue, 12 July 2022) – Field trip to demonstration sites
§ 8:00 Departure by bus to Ghimes valley
§ 11:00 – 15:00 Exchange with local livestock farmers on large carnivore damage & compensation measures in the area – includes 2 h walk in the mountains, guided by regional ecologist and picnic lunch on the way
§ 15:00 – 17:00 Visiting organic milk collection point & shop selling traditional regional products, exchange with head of the regional Organic Farmers’ Association
§ 17:30 Departure back to hotel in Sighisoara with dinner on the way
Day 3 (Wed, 13 July 2022) – Internal meeting of Landcare Europe partners
Venue: Hotel Casa Wagner, Sighișoara (Schäßburg)